Ted Grudowski

Award-Winning Video Production

2020: A Year for Conservation Projects

In years to come, there’s no doubt that most people will not look back at 2020 with fondness. But despite all the challenges I was able to help several organizations with getting the word out about their conservation efforts and communications: Kittitas Conservation Trust’s Gold Creek Pond Restoration effort, Conservation Northwest’s Cascade to Rockies Connection initiative, Forterra’s Morse Wildlife Preserve and Chehalis River Basin collaboration, a virtual legislative tour in support of Douglas County farmers and ranchers for Conservation Northwest and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Safe Passages 97 project, and lots of time and effort in creation of a new film for WDFW and CNW…coming soon!

I-90 Wildlife Passages project now complete--for now

When Cascade Crossroads was finished, the actual wildlife overpass was not completely built, and WSDOT, USFS and others still had plenty to do to finish that and other aspects of this phase of the I-90 Snoqualmie Pass East project. While the overpass infrastructure was completed in 2018, work such as adding all the dirt for the natural landscaping and hardscaping wasn’t finished until 2019. Finally, in summer and fall of 2020, the last of the planting of natives plants was completed! Under the supervision of USFS biologist Kelly Evans and Patty Garvey-Darda, native planting was done by Wildlands, a company out of Richland, WA. Wildlife have already begun to use all the passages, including lots of elk, deer, coyotes, bobcats, fishers, and even the first cougar. Follow WSDOT’s social media pages to see amazing remote camera footage of the wildlife in action. Thank you to Kelly Evans, Mark Norman, Patty Garvey-Darda, Brian White and everyone at Wildlands for your hospitality in letting me finish documenting these final processes! Hopefully all the native plants will survive the winter, and the elk looking for snacks as they cross. WSDOT is in the design stage of the next phase of the I-90 SPE, which will include more wildlife underpassages and at least one more overpass closer to Easton.

Columbia Bank: Giving back to the community

It’s been both an honor and an adventure—as well as humbling—to work with Columbia Bank to craft videos around their recent grants to charitable organizations in Pacific Northwest communities. The 25th Anniversary grants, in honor of Columbia Bank’s 25th anniversary, granted $25,000 each to four organizations taking care of children and families in need, while the Warm Hearts/Warm Homes grants gave $50,000 each to four organizations who have innovative programs addressing homelessness.

Look for the finished videos to be posted soon.

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