Ted Grudowski

Award-Winning Video Production

2021 Update: Full Speed Ahead

While in many ways 2021 has been a continuation of the roller coaster ride that was 2020, I have taken on and completed some fantastic projects. Longtime-collaborator Kris Browne and I were commissioned by Washington State Department of Transportation to create a follow-up to our film with Sandy Asher, Cascade Crossroads, now that the first phases of wildlife crossing structures on I-90 at Snoqualmie Pass have been finished, the surrounding areas restored to natural habitat, and research by Central Washington University researchers into wildlife usage has continued. Several internal editing projects for Microsoft, including their Inspire and Ignite virtual conferences and the Microsoft Research Summit, kept my very busy for a while. I filmed a project for Mongabay on the importance of old-growth trees for carbon sequestration. It was great to reconnect post-pandemic with Columbia Bank again. Darrin Gunkel and I began work on a project for West Sound Wildlife Shelter that details the amazing work they do rehabilitating and releasing injured wildlife. I’m working with Conservation Northwest on a deep dive into their Cascades to Olympics wildlife corridors program with Brian Stewart. And Jillian Brown of Forterra and I have been collaborating on several projects, including the third year of partnering with Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife promoting the Aquatic Species Restoration Plan in the Chehalis River Basin. Here are some photos from some of the projects for your entertainment!

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